Thursday, 26 January 2012

Granny Chic!

Today I had a day off work so, as usual, I had a million tedious jobs to do. However, in between those I managed to squeeze in a bit of chazza shopping whilst dropping off some donations. I didn't find many treasures but did pick up this cute little tan & grey tartan pencil skirt which will go perfectly with a mustard cardigan I found the other day. Granny chic at it's best and perfectly fitting for carrying on the Burns Night theme! 

As I'm sure you've heard me say before I am a self confessed handknit-aholic! I adore, and spend most of my life searching for, handknitted jumpers, cardigans, leg warmers, wrist warmers and knee length socks to name but a few. My favourite find so far in 2012 has to be this cute little peach jumper. I found it in a charity shop for just £1 in their January sale and I've pretty much lived in it ever since. It's a perfect length to wear with leggings or jeans and isn't too oversized. I love it!

Stay tuned for more granny chic finds!


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