Monday, 3 October 2011

These are a few of my favourite things...

Over the past three years we've been concentrating on shop business and what events we've been involved with etc. So I thought it was time to bring it on to a more personal level and give you an insight into some of my favourite things. Things get added to this list quite often so I'll be making this a regular feature of the blog. Right, here we go with part one.

Quite aptly, considering today's weather, the first thing on today's list is:

1. Sitting in a sunny garden

Thankfully this week we've been experiencing a bit of a scorcher in England so I've been in my element but even if there's an autumnal nip in the air I'm still happy.

2. Cinema/ Theatre Glasses

This little beauty is one of my boot sale bargains and I love it! Think of all the performances this will have seen over the years.

 3. Tiny white flower pixie

This little imp sits on my fireplace keeping a watchful eye over everything. He's super cute and I think cost me about 10p so a bargain to boot!

4. Oxo Tin with Fairy Sitting on Top

This was a 31st birthday present from the inlaws and I love it! Again it has pride of place on my mantelpiece. It was made by a local artist Corinne Phillips and combines an old OXO tin with a handmade fairy perched on top making a phone call on a tiny telephone. It combines two of my favourite things - old tins and fairies so suits me down to the ground.

5. Lovely Old Parafin Lamp

After a bit of a spruce up (after Tom's attempts at lighting it without reading the instructions) this is one of the fave things we have bought recently. Another boot sale purchase and I'm hoping to add to this with a matching heater as soon as I can find one that I like. I love the green colour of this lamp and it will have pride of place in my garden for lighting up those dark Autumn evenings. 

6. Fresh Flowers


7. Pottery Sculpture of a Cornish Piskie

St Ives is one of my favourite places in the world and we're very excited to be going back in a couple of weeks for a whole week long holiday by the sea. Before opening the shop we were regular visitors to Cornwall but over the past three years we haven't been able to spare the time so it'll be great to finally go back. I picked up this little pottery cornish pisky during our last visit and it's been watching over us ever since. It's proper name is "Skillywidden" and he brings luck, health and good fortune to all who possess him.

 8. Old Books - Two of my fave choices, Grimms Fairy Tales & The Scottish Fairy Book

I love old books and one of my favourite things to do is spend hours browsing through dusty dingy bookshops seeing what gems I can find. These are two of my faves, one being a copy of Grimms Fairy Tales which of course brings out the child in me and has the most beautiful illustrations.

This second book I found in a secondhand bookshop in Evesham at the beginning of the summer. It's called The Scottish Fairy Book so how could I resist? It's one of my most expensive old book purchases but very much worth it! Lovely illustrations again and I also love the fact it was given to it's original owner for Christmas over 60 years ago. Such a treasure!

9. The smell when you open a new box (or packet) of Maltesers.

This is a strange one I know but I love Maltesers and when you open a new box at Christmas time the smell is wonderful. Makes you want to eat the whole box so can be quite dangerous!

Bye for now!


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