Thursday, 23 June 2011


We've been busy little bees again over the past few weeks. We traded at our first proper festival of the summer, Arleyfest, which was great fun and the music was amazing! Here are a few pics of our stall and the super talented Seth Lakeman.

As you've probably learnt I have a few secondhand obsessions and one of them is old books. I can't resist picking up big boxes of random books at auction and seeing what gems lie within! Below is an example of one of those gems. It's a book on gardening from 1929 written by H H Thomas and contains some lovely photos and illustrations. When I opened it I found it was full of newspaper clippings from the 1950s and was even more excited to find a selection of letters dating from the 40s and 50s from the author himself giving the owner of the book advice on gardening queries. This is such a treasure and something I will definitely be adding to my collection!

This weekend (or rather tonight!) we're off on tour again. This time selling at Upton Jazz Festival in Upton upon Severn and it will be the first proper outing of our ginormous marquee so fingers crossed it stays up! Will post some photos on here next week.

Have a great weekend!



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